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"Think of the relationship you have with yourself as being the gold standard for all of your relationships, because it is."

The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives
– Esther Perel



For years I have followed Perel’s work, which is rooted in her belief that personal connections give us a deeper sense of happiness, belonging, meaning, and well-being, more than any other experience. 


I, too, believe that the bonds we forge and the connections we share with others give us a greater sense of fulfillment.


But how do we create high-quality relationships?

We start with ourselves.


When you achieve greater emotional freedom and inner security, you will develop your understanding of and resilience to the stresses and challenges experienced when dealing with others.


We start

with ourselves

Relationships have the ability to both heal us and push us to grow. It is through our relationships, and connection with others, that we discover ourselves because they often highlight the parts of ourselves that require growth.


How you treat yourself inevitably determines how you treat others.

For example, people who harshly judge themselves, harshly judge others.

People who deny parts of themselves, deny parts of others.

People who constantly criticize themselves are quick to criticize others… You get the idea.


The best thing you can do for the relationships in your life is to work on the relationship you have with yourself.  



How I can help


Removing the blocks to self-love, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-belief. The first step towards transforming your life is to learn to love yourself.


You are your greatest asset, and you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and the world to ‘protect the asset’ so that you can be in the best position to add love and value to your life and the lives of others.




Statistics show that 1 in 10 people who enter a therapy office or clinic have an addictive disorder, yet only about 10% receive treatment.


While addiction is often referred to as a “family disease,” current approaches in recovery do not provide treatments that address or account for the relationship between the person with an addiction and their partner.


Outcome research informs us that couples counseling is more effective than individual therapy in identifying addiction and in moving the person with the addiction and family into recovery.




Existential therapy focuses on the anxiety that occurs when a client confronts the conflict inherent in life. My role is to help my clients focus on personal responsibility for making decisions. I integrate some humanistic approaches and techniques. My approach is not only concerned with “being” but with “becoming” as well. I aim to help clients find the path in life that is their own, a path that brings self-fulfillment.




We may know what a healthy relationship looks like, but most people have no idea how to get one — and no one teaches us how to do so. It’s never too late — or too early — to learn the abilities that make up romantic competence: insight, mutuality, and emotional regulation. And when you possess these skills, all of the relationships in your life will benefit.




When a marriage or significant relationship ends, it can turn your entire world upside down and trigger painful feelings.


A break-up brings anxieties about the future and triggers acute stress and feelings of disappointment or betrayal. Recovering from a break-up or divorce is difficult. Healing is a process and takes time.


There are many ways to help you to get through this difficult period and empower yourself.

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