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Conscious Dating

Conscious Dating


This guide will move you through the meaning and practices of conscious dating, confidence and self-love.


What's included?


  • 120+ Slides
  • A digital resource for you to download and keep
  • Journal Prompts
  • Meditation Practices


We explore the below concepts on how to date consciously: 


Knowing Who You Are

Discerning Motivation

Practicing Vulnerability

It Starts  with Self-Love

Knowing What You Want

Someone to Date

First Impressions

Noticing Red Flags

Being Intentional About Place

Conscious Conversation

Sensitivity in Communication - Subjects to Avoid

Sensitivity in Communication - Subjects to Pursue

Giving Yourself Permission

Reaching Out After the First Date

Dating in a World of Devices

Dealing with Anxiety

Conscious Forethought

Navigating What Ifs - If One of You Has Children

Navigating What Ifs - Long Distance Dating

Dating After Divorce

When Conflict Arises

Dissolving the Myth of the Perfect Partner

What If You Lose Interest?

What If They Lose Interest?

Knowing When to Let Go

Checking In On Yourself

Moving Forward With A Spirit of Receptivity




Dating doesn't have a particularly positive reputation, for good reason. Dull conversation, awkward silences, unreturned texts or phone calls, the absence of desirable matches – it's a routine that often leaves us feeling powerless. In the movies and media our hapless dating adventures are great for entertainment, and certainly many of us have accumulated our fair share of funny dating stories, but if we back up and look at the big picture, we see that our unspoken cultural agreements about dating often leave us wounded.. What is hilarious on screens, hurts in reality.


The dating culture would have us believe that we are not enough. We are to pretend to be people we are not; we are to hide our ages; we are to drum up our wealth and success in ways that embolden the ego and weaken the soul. By this logic, we are supposed to hide ourselves in order to find love. It sounds strange, doesn't it? And yet we all do it! Somewhere along the way we've internalized the false idea that dating should be painful, that we should suffer for love. The result is that we end up dating with a scarcity mindset, repeatedly seeing the wrong people, and behaving in ways that do not align with our truth. We wear masks out of fear of rejection, out of fear of being alone.


When we date consciously, we enter into a much different, and kinder, agreement. We start anew. We agree that it is okay to be alone. We agree that we are enough. We agree that suffering is optional. When we move from this place of radical acceptance, we stop hiding. Dating is no longer the seeking of partnership for the sake of not being alone, but for the joyful adventure of deeply knowing and loving ourselves, and another. Conscious dating is not a game; it is a practice. It is a commitment to serving the good, to love ourselves, and to act with mindfulness.


This course will move you through the meaning and practices of conscious dating – asking you to deeply engage your own experiences – and into the practical realities of dating on the ground, and how to date consciously in the midst of navigating these realities. It is possible for dating to be an affirming experience, in which even rejection becomes growth, and the pursuit of love is fulfilling in and of itself. Through storytelling, journaling, and meditation, I hope you will emerge equipped to date without fear, with a full, open heart and a clear mind.

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